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Mirador Badia

Look well! This post starts differently than the rest of the ones already published. I always categorize the publications by their theme: restaurants, getaways, hotels, etc. And I make it very clear in the title. With “Mirador Badia” I have not been able to do it. And do you know why? Well, because it can [&hell

Paragliding with “Entrenúvols”

I had a plan to spend a weekend with friends in the Àger valley. The initial idea was to disconnect a little from the stress of the city and experience nature. We were clear that we would do the route on foot of the Congost de Mont-rebei; but there was not anything else planned until […]

Restaurant “4 Gats”

I like places that have a history behind them. You already know this. But when history is written in capital letters, I reach a point of fascination that turns me into a mini-historian (with all due respect to the professionals in the sector). I try to document myself as much as possible and I almost […]

Restaurant “Alcaufar Vell”

It is, without a doubt, one of my favorite restaurants in Menorca. I visit it nearly every year. It has a special charm. The building is elegant and rustic at the same time. Just getting out of the car I breathed an great calm. The tranquility and silence made me drop the revs immediately. Something […]