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Getaway Pompei

Getaway Pompei


Google Maps.

It is accessed by motorway from Naples or from the Amalfi Coast.

It has a huge parking lot.

Naples (Italy)
Telf: (+39) 081 8575 347
E-mail: pompei.info@beniculturali.it
Web: http://pompeiisites.org/en/info/?l=es

It is one of the most important tourist attractions in Italy. Everyone says that the Pompei ruins are unique and they probably are. Much of its value is due to the fact that it was not destroyed by the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius, but was buried under a layer of ash. This is just why the city is so well preserved. The eruption was terrible, but the death toll was lower than it could have been "thanks" to the fact that Pompeii had been destroyed by an earthquake seventeen years earlier. Much of its population was evacuated and when the Vesuvius eruption passed, they had not yet returned. Upon being buried, it disappeared from the map until 1594 when an architect found it, by chance, while building a canal.

I don't have enough knowledge of history and I guess I have to believe when everyone says that the ruins of Pompeii are the most important in Italy; I still say a crazy thing, but I was more impacted by Ercolano's. I am aware that they are much smaller and less majestic; but seeing, so graphically, the casts of the burned people did not leave me indifferent.

Pompei is so well located that, whether visiting Naples or the Amalfi Coast, one can get close without too much effort. Only 30 minutes separate it from the first and 60 minutes from the second.

It has been declared a Unesco World Heritage Site. It must be taken into account and respect the marked spaces and the prohibitions.

I recommend renting an audio guide at the Visitor Center, which is where you buy tickets as well.

If you make a link on the map, you can see the details of the places visited. It is so large that it is divided into 9 regions (and you will see it specified on the map that will be delivered to you at the Visitor Center). I focused on VII, VIII, II.

  • Tempio di Apollo: it was the oldest and most important religious building in Pompei. In fact, it was a VI BC Roman temple and of which some emblematic columns remain. It is one of the areas that I liked the most. It gave me peace of mind.
  • Forum de Pompeia: it is next to the Tempio di Apollo. It was the main square. It is surrounded by columns that were the buildings that housed the main economic, commercial, legal and political activities.
  • Mensa Ponderaria: it is next to the Forum and it was where the grain was bought and sold.
  • Granaries del Forum: it is near the Mensa Ponderaria. It was the grain warehouse and it is where today remains of clay utensils are exposed. There are also casts of charred bodies.
  • Tempio di Giove: it is the temple of Jupiter. It has a very nice bow. In its time, it was the largest building in the city.
  • Forum Baths: it's probably another of my favorite places. The architecture is authentic. The walls are ornate, the hole in the ceiling lets in natural light, and the marble bathtubs add austerity to the place. Everyone who came in lowered their voices. The place imposes.
  • Tempio di Venus: dated I BC and it was one of the most luxurious in the city. She was the goddess of war and intelligence, protector of the city. It is not in good condition and this makes it one of the least visited.
  • Quadriportico dei Teatri: another of the places that impressed me the most. If you access it from the Temple of Venus, you reach the Quadriportico from a certain height and this allows you to have privileged views. It was where the gladiators trained. It is surrounded by 74 Doric columns.
  • Teatro Piccolo: next to the Quadriportico. Also called Odeon. It was a theater dedicated to mime, musical performances, and singing. This is precisely why it was covered; to improve acoustics.
  • Teatro Grande: one of the most visited sites. 5,000 seats built on the lava remains.
  • House and Thermopolium of Vetutius Placidus: it was the place where hot drinks and food stored in large containers were served.
  • Anfiteatre de Pompeia: it was where 20,000 spectators watched the battles of the gladiators. Dated 70 BC and it is the oldest known Roman amphitheater. The place has a special magic.
  • Orto dei Fuggiaschi: the eruption of Vesuvius expelled rocks and stones, destroying and burying Pompei. Centuries later, the decomposed bodies of many people were found; but, in a specific place, thirteen adults and children were found gathered to protect themselves from the attack. There are the molds as a tribute.

It is a must for all of you who are spending a few days in southern Italy, specifically in Naples or on the Amalfi Coast. History and drama are in force around every corner.

In the Amalfi Coast I was in the hotel "Le Fioriere" and in Naples in "B& B Dimora Sanfelice". I was very well located in both destinations.

If you need and/or want help in organizing the getaway, do not hesitate to send me a mail!

If you want to go to Italy with the SIM card already bought, you can ask it at Holafly and you will get a 5% discount coming from Raconets!


It depends on what you want to deepen.
If you want to know all the ruins and their history, you need a weekend.
I only had one morning (4 hours) to see it and I had to prioritize the most relevant.


No problem.

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